
“But at my back I always hear Time’s wingèd chariot hurrying near; And yonder all before us lie Deserts of vast eternity.”
”I am always aware of time, the way it flies by. For us, the future will be a vast, unending desert for all of the time. ” Marvel says to his coy mistress.

Time is passing non-stop, and we follow it with clocks and calendars measuring the immeasurable. Yet we cannot study it with a microscope to magnify it’s particles or experiment with it. And it still keeps passing. We just cannot say what exactly happens when time passes.

Time is represented through change, such as the circular motion of the moon around Earth. The passing of time is indeed closely connected to the concept of space.

According to the general theory of relativity, space, or the universe, emerged in the Big Bang some 13.7 billion years ago. Before that, all matter was packed into an extremely tiny dot. That dot also contained the matter that later came to be the sun, the earth and the moon — the heavenly bodies that tell us about the passing of time.

Time can be implied in static work in a number of ways, including using sequential series of images, capturing a moment in time, and using symbolic representations of time.
The trees have been allowed to grow at Angkor Wat –the largest religious complex in the world–was built for Khmer KingAngkor Wat –the largest religious complex in the world–was built for Khmer King Suryavarman II in the 12th century as a state temple and capital city. It was first a Hindu, then a Buddhist site. The structures at Angkor Wat have undergone a great deal of deterioration over time. Most notably has been the dominating expansion of banyan trees and their roots, which have completely taken over some structures. The banyan trees created an installation that suggested the passing of time.There has been a debate about whether or not the site should be restored.

Sun Temple of Konark is renowned throughout the world for its stone sculptures. The temple was designed in the shape of a huge chariot drawn by 7 mighty spirited horses on 12 pairs (total 24 wheels) of gorgeously decorated wheels at its base. The size of the wheel is of 9 feet 9 inches in diameter and each one of them having 8 wider spokes and 8 thinner spokes. Out of these 24 wheels, 6 are in either side of the main temple, 4 wheels are on each side of the Mukhasala and 2 wheels on each side of steps at the eastern front. The huge wheels of the Konark Temple are one of the major attractions for visitors.

Before the Big Bang, there was no space or time.As we know the universe is getting disordered year after ywear. as WB yeats said.
”Turning and turning in the widening gyre The falcon cannot hear the falconer; Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold; Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world, The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere The ceremony of innocence is drowned; The best lack all conviction, while the worst Are full of passionate intensity.”

The increase in disorder in entropy is what distinguishes past from the future and cosequently that gives a direction to time.Time is a vector quantity.it moves from less disorded state to more disordered state.Art exists in time as well as space. Time implies change and movement; movement implies the passage of time. Movement and time, whether actual or an illusion, are crucial elements in art although we may not be aware of it.

One of the most peculiar qualities of time is the fact that it is measured by motion and it also becomes evident through motion.

According to the general theory of relativity, the development of space may result in the collapse of the universe. All matter would shrink into a tiny dot again, which would end the concept of time as we know it.

During my last visit to Konark temple, I hired an experienced guide who explained to me that the Konark wheels are used as Sundials in ancient times to know the time of the day. He also explained to me that out of these 24 wheels, 2 wheels will show you the time accurately from sunrise to sunset. When I asked about other 22 wheels, he told me that he is not sure about them but he will definitely explain me the technique to calculate the time using these 2 wheels. He took me to one of the wheels and put his finger at the centre of the axel and I along with other tourists was surprised that the finger’s shadow showed the precise time of the day. It’s difficult to explain the technique in writing so I created the following images based on his explanation.

The Konark wheel has 8 wider spokes and 8 thinner spokes. The distance between two wider spokes is of 3 hours (180 minutes). The thinner spoke between two wider spokes is of 1.5 hours (90 minutes). There are 30 beads between one wider spoke to the next thinner spoke and each bead represents 3 minutes. The Sundial shows time in anti-clockwise and the top centre wider spoke represents 12 o’clock midnight.

Wheels of the chariot considered as the wheels of life they portray the cycle of creation preservation and achievement of realisation the diameter of each of the wheels is about 9 feet each of them has a set 8 equal parts they are meticulously and elaborately ka all over I want some are all carved with circular medallions at their sandals on the widest part of the face the axles of the wheels project bi about 1 foot from the surface having similar diamond similar decorations at their ends the rims are called with designs of all ages with various birds and animals aliens in the spokes are curved with the figures of women inradius luxurious forces mostly off sensor later these wheels maybe possibly represent 12 zodiac signs

Various theories have been advocated regarding the significance of Konark wheel. According to some, the 7 horses represent the days of the week and the 12 pairs of wheels represent the 12 months of the year and the 24 wheels signify 24 hours of a day and the 8 major spokes signifies prahars (three hour period) of a day. According to others, the wheels of the chariot have been interpreted as the ‘Wheel of Life’.

They portray the cycle of creation, preservation and achievement of realisation. These 12 pairs of wheels may also possibly represent the 12 zodiac signs. Some also believe that the Wheel of Konark is the same as the Dharmachakra of the Buddhists – The Wheel of Karma, The Wheel of the Law. If you hire a guide during your visit Konark Temple then they will explain you similar theories.

The size and architecture of the 24 wheels are same but each one of them has been differently carved all over. The thicker ones are all carved with circular medallions at their centres on the widest part of the face. The axels of the wheels project by about one foot from the surface, having similar decorations at their ends. The rims are carved with designs of foliages with various birds and animals, whereas the medallions in the spokes are carved with the figures of women in various luxurious poses, mostly of sensual nature.

Suryavarman II in the 12th century as a state temple and capital city. It was first a Hindu, then a Buddhist site. The structures at Angkor Wat have undergone a great deal of deterioration over time. Most notably has been the dominating expansion of banyan trees and their roots, which have completely taken over some structures. naturally by Buddhist principles and beliefs of the area.

The Rs 10 banknote, which was announced by the Reserve Bank of India on January 5, 2018, features one of the intricately carved wheels of the Sun Temple on the reverse.
Implied Time

The massive chariot has been carved as if mounted on 24 wheels, each about 10 feet high, and drawn by seven large horses. The name Konark is said by some to derive from kona, corner, and arka, sun, and to refer to the images of the Sun God on the three sides of the structure; each in turn catches the rays of the sun when it rises, when it is overhead at noon, and when it sets

An art work may incorporate actual motion; that is, the artwork itself moves in some way. Or it may incorporate the illusion of, or implied movement.
. During my last visit to Konark temple,, I hired an experienced guide who explained to me that the Konark wheels are used as Sundials in ancient times to know the time of the day.

He also explained to me that out of these 24 wheels, 2 wheels will show you the time accurately from sunrise to sun set. When I asked about other 22 wheels, he told me that he is not sure about them but he will definitely explain me the technique to calculate the time using these 2 wheels. He took me to one of the wheel and put his finger at centre of the axel and I along with other tourists was surprised that the finger’s shadow showed the precise time of the day.

The effect of time on this site can be quite clearly–and dramatically-seen. The original purpose and intent of the site has become transformed into a complex layering of meanings.