Stone circles are one of the megalithic monuments.
Stone circle may contain cyst with urn burials with a granite cap stone surrounded by stone circle of laterite blocks measuring 1.55m diameter.
Irregular laterite boulders from stone circle and urn is covered with capstone.
The excavation (Anakkara) revealed that within the circle there were 3 pit burials.
Pit A: Urn contained 4 arrow heads.
Pit B: lamps with hooks, 2 tripod stands, knife, a lamp with handle, a copper bowl,4 iron rods, 3 ring stands, 2 arrow heads, a sickle.
Pit C: Bigger urn, knife carved rod,bowls.

Burial site at is rich with 9 cap stone or Thoppikal.
It is a lid stone similar to the shape of Persian cap, So we call cap stones.
Hemispherical laterite stones used as lids put an burial urns.
Not a different type of burial capstones acts as a lid to urn.
We see capstones in the centre of stone circles too.
Urn was interred up to a pit
It contained 11 pots red ware with fragments of bone & iron implements.
To be dead is to be dead for all times. But, we should socialize the biological death. They designed monuments, helped us to remember were they were buried. long after they are dead. With this wonderful unity of space they braved the unidirectional a sense megalithics are the first intellectual constructs of human, the others beings more intuitive.