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Have you ever noticed the beauty of the world revealed gradually making itself seen and heard touched and smelt? As the cool breeze sets the leaves of trees moving slightly heady smell of areca flowers waft across, the room we lose ourselves into the abyss.

white-cheeked barbet

The most frequent punctuating sound of the white-cheeked barbet sound ”Kutrook…kutrook…kutrook” like soft hammer strokes , he paddles the flux of time in village zones.

crimson rumped sunbird

Close your eyes for a while and lend your ears to the space you are in. From your chair, you can hear the rhythmic needling agitation of crimson rumped sunbird who feasts on luxuriant summer flower embers of Asoka tree only slightly by a half-closed windowpane.

spotted owlet

A few yards away from the bushy dark and evergreen well-grown mango tree the spotted owlet declares the domain of darkness has not collapsed yet with its rebellious harsh screeching” chirrur, chirrur chirrur chirrur ”and followed by ”cheevak,cheevak,cheevak.

orange headed thrush

”The frequent and most annoying sounds of the spring the repeated it is repeated in rising pitch and perhaps the culmination structures to bubbling sound of mirth the Indian cuckold. Familiar orange headed thrush, lives in the sacred groves picks out a variably sweet lilting melody with its repetitive structure leaves us in a world of sublimation.

Common hawk cuckoo

Even further away, the whining sound that rendered moderately loud in rather a low frequency ”peeppiya,,peeppiya …peeppiya,,”after a few seconds it is repeated louder and higher again another densely fumed melancholic call climbs to the highest point reached in a gradually increasing sound reminds me of the presence of a bird on the edge of moon madness. It is, of course, Common hawk cuckoo.

magpie robin

If you concentrate more, you can hear the distant incessant whistle of magpie robin down the leafy bushy hedges, though what they could possibly be whistling in the middle of the winter is beyond you.


Right on the western side just below the tiled roof of two-storied ” Tharavad” house the softly lulling coos of the rock pigeon with their soft vocalisations the partition between the physical world and imaginary world are brought to be the thinnest.


These are the sounds of our daily life. These sounds possess many universalities shared by the people of the world and sonic reminders of the avian world.


Yet they are also simultaneously, totally unique to the place they occur, and may include the far-off cry of a brain fever bird, the nearest ptsieeept..ptsit,…ptsiee call of a near-black dumped sunbird or


the long high pitched complaining cry and distressed tweets of the red wattled lapwing particularly conspicuous during summer. It is the collective impact of all sounds emanating from natural biological origins in a given habitat, yes as we know it is the biophonic component that triggers your soul.


Soundscapes define communities—their boundaries, their flora, their fauna, their geographic intricacies, and the forest. They arise through the interactions between external and internal forces within a community.


The things that make the soundscape of a place different from any other place in the world are soundmarks as we have landmarks in the visual world.


The soundtrack of your neighbours home may be a small mantra chant box away in the corner of his living room, or the tinkle of a wind chime in his backyard.


He likes these sounds because they make him feel a certain way, and now they colour everyone else’s impression of the sonic environment of his personal space. It is also the listener’s perception of sounds heard as an environment.if you re a birder the bird sound filled bionic component may thrill you and lead you.

Bronzed drongo

These choices display aspects of your aesthetic sensibility and your personal background and culture. Your idea of soundscape may have been to cultivate a garden attractive to songbirds so that your personal soundscape would be constantly filled with birdsong.


All members of the community may have individual reactions to the greater soundscape. This contrast between the soundscape at the micro and macro levels helps paint a picture of the diverse makeup of a community. This is the power of the soundscape.” Quite boring !!?? I felt it too much..brooding over the same thing.

Yellow billed babbler

All of a sudden an oily black coloured bird materialised just on the branch cashew nut tree It has a killed fly in its beaks after devouring its prey the bird gaze that me the bird usually favours evergreen most deciduous forest plantations, well-wooded area in coastal plains and midlands.


The birds are not uncommon in some larger towns such as Calicut and Kottayam. However, it is rarest in South Kerala. The Hallmark of the bird is the elongated tail feathers with webbing restricted to the tips. Salim Ali is rightly said that racket-tailed drongo in flight with its long tail feathers streaming behind it gives an illusion the bird being pursued by a pair of large bumble bees.


We call the bird ”Kadumuzhakki in Malayalam. The bird is the largest of the drongo species. In addition to the distinctive tail with the brackets, there is a crest of curled feathers just above the beak in front of the face. a bird researcher Samira Agnihotri has proven that these drongos can imitate the sounds and better to be called the mimicry artists of the avian world.


She has recorded racket-tailed drongo imitating nearly 40 species of birds, two mammals, two frogs and even an insect. This may seem to be incredible. It is a proven thing greater racket-tailed drongo sitting on a tree in BRT wildlife sanctuary in Karnataka imitated the sounds of crested Serpent eagle and later switched on to flame back Woodpecker and later on to jungle babbler.


They don’t limit their mimicry to the breeding season alone. It is their adaptation to catch prey. Some birds adopt a variety of techniques this to mislead the prey what to avoid the Predator. example Pratincoles distraction display is and adaptation of survival.

spotted pigeons

Racket-tailed drongo join the hunting party of Babblers, Bulbuls and warblers. Others start searching for food and toil hard. Drongos sit idly on a hyper and observe everything beneath. When the insects are stirred up my hardworking Hunters like babblers and bulbuls Drongos snatch them immediately .we can infer that the laziest of the birds, instead of physical labour drongos invest in vocal artistry.


They mimic the call of the species whom they hangout. it doesn’t matter whether it is the grating cries of barbets, or twitter sounds Woodpecker and whatever it may be. The racket-tailed drongo can copy the giant squirrels warning sound, a toy gun like rattle which suggests the presence of a raptor. why do they copy the alarm calls of squirrels, still remains a mystery?

malabar grey horn bill

In a particular experiment in which it a tree climber tried to scramble the tree upon which the bird has laid its eggs. When he set on climbing the birds began to mimic the call of Bonnet macaque and Giant squirrels to scare the climber.


Then, he resorted to Eagle shrieks and tried one after another to scare the climber . on the whole racket tailed drongo is an intelligent Bird with so many adaptations. When a bed beaks in a delicious prey, drongo swoops down screaming aggressively. The bird may drop its prey in panic which is immediately snatched by racket-tailed drongo.

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