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Kava {Malampuzha dam}

kava meadows

kava meadows

“”In Kosbad durimg monsoon,There are so many shades of green,

Your mind forgets other colours””( opening lines in Sujatha bhat’s poem ..the Himalayas.

kava malampuzha

kava malampuzha

This is  absolutely true of  Kava.we are get lost in the vast stretches of green surrounded my  fog  clad mountaim ranges of Western ghats., we lose our identity and space of existence as if in a dream.we are reduced to  nano human beings in the vast s green meadows, clean water, green  grass,ancient palmyaras and the endless clouds.  we reach Kava’s green meadows around the reservoir of Malampuzha dam if you travel six kms along with Anakkallu route.

kava malampuzha

kava malampuzha

Kava, the reservoir region of Malampuzha is surrounded by the mountain ranges belonging to western ghats.we can see on the left eastern side  mountains with   semi globular rocks upon it . its called Aduppootty mala.

Aduppukootti mala kava

Aduppukootti mala kava

Aduppu in Malayalam means oven.Palamala , Kondamala,and Dhony mala protects the reservoir. Onnam puzha. Ayyappan thodu. Kallampuzha, Mayiladippuzha. Cherupuzha join in this reservoir.Kavarakkundu waterfall  is  a terribly beautiful spot associated with Kallampuzha.

kava ., malampuzha

kava ., malampuzha

  1. We  start to float like  tides over the green  ocean of grass.Green  colour goes on for miles as far as eye could see when you come down to the meadows through Pookkundu. God has used only green to   paint the serene seventh  meadow if it existed !?The region is a wonderful stretch of green  grazing meadow!

kava ., malampuzha

kava ., malampuzha

  1. .You  will be get lost in the loneliness amid the vast space. The air over the  meadow gets lighter and lighter as  we hold the gaze upon the horizon.There had  never been anything really between   the space and you.. We can spot  humans very rarely except for the fishermen who floats on inflated truck tubes and catch fish for fun.

ode to rain clouds

ode to rain clouds

Loose clouds  are shaken off  from the  intertwining  black clouds and lake  like leaves rom the branches of tree  as Shelley described in ode to the west wind .The clouds are angels of rain and lightning on the blue surface of winds airy  waves spread all over the sky .The locks of the approaching storm look like the dark hair up lifted from the from the head of some fierce Maened   perhaps  the Yakshi of Malampuzha almost instantly  wrapped up in their field.Nature realises   Shellian experience once again before us.

rain clouds kava

rain clouds kava

The silence between  we and the meadow  would be peculiar and unique.  When the after noon deepens over Kava ,the clouds filter the slanted rays and  send down the pure  towards  the earth.

rain clouds kava

rain clouds kava

. The mountains glitters in misty glow. The water in the lake dilates its eyes suddenly as in a wild ecstacy.

rain clouds kava

rain clouds kava

The immense  piles of  dark coloured clouds start  to merge  as if the mountains create them silvery blue to  strange shades of blue black ,then into dark shades of blue and black..the sky fills itself with passion..

kava malampuzha

kava malampuzha

we can see the movement of the clouds very clearly there.

kava malampuzha

kava malampuzha

We can see ancient Palakkadan palmyaras on the grass land.the  never ending wind  comes thrugh  forever and forever.All the chords of our soul harp hum with infinite joy, the rough rustle of the palmyara leaves fails to stand apart  from the infinite humming.

 kava ,Malampuzha

kava ,Malampuzha

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