karinkutty attam kalams
Karinkutty attam was realized in the courtyard of local diety of kanakka family Thekkevalappil Parappuulli Bhalabhadra kshethram on first of Meenam the Malayalam month under the auspicious leadership of Velayudhan Keezhpadath Anakkara .

Karinkutty and two guru pretham
As per the Kanakka community thottam the legend of Karinkutty goes like this. The premordial god Paramasiva known as Nalla achan in kanakka thottams grew very disappointed that evening.He hasn’t had even the meat of a fly or the blood of a mosquito.and Lord came down the Kalladikkodan mountain It was a bluish cosmic night.Pulluvanchathan and Koolivaka were taking rest in the pul matams( huts) of Melekkalli( upper patches )and Keezhkkalli ( lower patches )respectively.When Nallla achan( Lord shiva) came along that way he was tempted by the sleepng wild beauty,Koolivaka.

Four days had passed when Koolivaka woke up again,She knew that she was pregnant. When she had a fancy for eating special items during this period, she went into the forest to collect channa chaval (the wild arrow root,) and there she gave birth to a young one ,,. But really it was an adult form. She was frightened and ran away,.When Pulluvanchathan saw this he recognized the child in adult form as Shiva, the cosmic dancer.He saluted the god in reverence. The legend of kanakka myth goes like this. The cow boy stick or mudinkol is considered as a weapon of Karinkutty.

rendring of thottams
The ceremonial practice begins with the layng kalams and ends in uttering oracles resolviong problems. Decorative drawings are made infront of the dieties who are conjured upon a peetam.The colour used in the drawings are made of powders some natural items rice powder,turmeric powder.The kalams of 16 columns ,9 columns and 5 columns are drawn .

vellamudi representing guru pretham
The whole cycle of activities- is meant to please Karinkutty and the two guru prethams that means the forefathers who were blessed by Lord Karinkutty.there it is performed as per the order.The performance through appropriate ethnic costumes assume the role of divinities they hold in veneration.’’If you call me,three times, as soon as about to call you fourth time .i will reach you’’.It is believed that Karinkutty will be pleased with the rituals and would suggest remedies . He had promised them that they could call him in all their hard times and shatter all the evil forces that moves against them.

As we had in other rituals we find thalasseelayital and other preperations.the costumes of karinkutty include chettyakam,breast plates,brass breasts a special head gear and,vanchi. The customs are quite similar to the costumes of paratheyyam except for the crown.

vellamudi spring into action
The Vellamudies represent two forefathers of the Kanakka family who sought the blessing of Karinkutty,followed him reverently and slavishly..The fore fathers dedicated themselves to Karinkutty and conjured up the spirit of Karinkutty and returned from Kalladikkodan mala with the spirit of Karinkutty.

second vellamudi in action
The Vellamudi costume is unique in the way that its not a permanent crown,but the magnificient perfection of art in tendercoconut leaves.The costumes intricate and elaborate with facial painting add charm to the ritual.

karinkutty uses his weapon
As the thottam begins with the accompaniment of paras. The members of the family gather round the thottam singers reverently. The three performers include two Vellamudies and one Karinkutty . The whole space is lifted up into a hallucination zone . The members of the family spirng into action. They may get frenzy . The spirits act upon them.Every one moves in tune with the vibrant rhythm of the Paras and at last the Karinkutty also springs into action along with the Vellamudies.

vettum thadavum
In the Karinkuttiyattam the symphony the renderings of thottams and beating upon the para reflect the rhythms of rural life.They perform’ vettum thatavum ‘that means offence and defence..The Karinkutty shows how he can effectively defend the attacks against his devotes with his weapon’ mudinkol’ or the cow boy stick.

embers of varikkaplavu
.Karinkutty jumps into the flaming embers of the fire wood made of a variety of jack fruit tree

He dances upon the embers until turns black in colour.as per the paraya community myth karinkuttty was burned in the embers of varikka plavu.This is known as’ kanalattam.’Karinkutty used to make wicks out of poison nut tree twigs.one version saysc that kanalattam is to commemorate this child hood episode.karinkuttyyattam is a unique folk art of Kanakka family.