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Edapal junction edapal chunkam

Edappal junction edappal chunkam

The word Edappal is believed to have originated  from …eda ..that means intermediate.. palayam   means resting place. It was considered as a restingg place for the army of the Zamorin on their war trips to conquer the south .TheKuttippuram Trichur state highway andPonnani Palakkad state highway intersect at Edapal junction.Formerly it was called as Edappal chunkam ‘being in the boarder that separates Perumpatappu and Kozhikode ;tax was imposed upon goods and vehicles that crossed the boarder.

Edapal angadi

Edappal Angadi

Edapal Angadi is situated almost one km west  of Edapal chukam or Edapal centre, basked in lost glory. It has lost its status as a shopping centre and market as the real Edapal  town  emerged at  Edapal junction.If you want to  visit Perumparambu,you may take a deviation  to right from here when you travel towards west,

Edapal amdakachery

Edappal Amsakachery

Edapal Amsakachery  was the administrative centre of edapal .It is situated west of Edapal junction.  Edapal spreads in two panjayaths Vattam kulam and Edapal. Sukapuram village is one of the wellknown Brahminic settlements of medieval Kerala lies very close to Edapal town,the Dakshina moorthy temple ,( the main entrance of LordShiva faces south’ )of Sukapuram dedicated to Lord Shiva bears four inscriptions of Chera period. The hostilities betweenPanniyur gramam brahminic settle ment and Sukapuram settle ment is a hard nut to break among  historians;

ara pooram   karinkali varavu

KULANKARA  karinkali varavu

Kulankaradevi temple is situated east of Edappal town near sukapuram temple.

Kulankara devi temple festival in Sukapuram  is  celebrated 14 days and concludes on the first sunday in the month of Makaram,.

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